


第1回Description matters of the specification

弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子



“The Detailed Description of Invention" といいます。主な記載項目は、
発明の属する技術分野(Technical field of the invention)
従来技術(Prior Art)
発明が解決しようとする課題(Problem to be solved by the invention)
課題を解決するための手段(Means for solving the problem)
発明の実施の形態(Preferred Embodiment)
発明の効果(Effects of the Invention)

  1. 発明の属する技術分野
  2. 従来技術
    この分野の従来技術で、先行特許や先行文献、雑誌などを挙げます。ここで従来技術の問題点を書いておきます。Appleのデジタルカメラの特許(アメリカ特許8,934,045号)で従来技術にGoPro HD Hero 2(デジタルカメラ)のカメラを書いておいたところ、Go Proの株価に影響したという話はこのブログでも伝えました。
  3. 発明が解決しようとする課題
  4. 課題を解決するための手段
  5. 発明の実施の形態
    「実施例1」「実施例2」(Example 1), (Example 2)が出てきます。
    アメリカの明細書はここで終わることが多いのですが、日本明細書では、「⑥ 発明の効果」の項目を設け、従来技術に比して有利な効果を記載します。

So far, I have informed you of U.S. patents, Intellectual Property news, etc. but after today I will explain Japanese patents in English for a dramatically change. Readers who want to know U.S. patents may be disappointed to hear that this blog will be changed to “a Japanese patent blog", but no need to worry! This will be a Japanese blog with English translations.
This blog is intended for translators, persons interested in patent English, persons interested in Japanese Intellectual Property, persons engaged in patent business or International business at patent firms or Intellectual Property Department of companies, or all other persons interested in Intellectual Property.
In this blog, patent terms are always accompanied by their translations. This is a Japanese blog together with completely corresponding English blog. You can use this to find translation words and increase your vocabulary.

Today, I will explain description matters of the specification.

The specification mainly consists of “the detailed description of the invention", namely, the column in which an invention is explained in detail.
“The Detailed Description of Invention" mainly consists of:

  1. Technical field of the invention
  2. Prior Art
  3. Problem to be solved by the invention
  4. Means for solving the problem
  5. Preferred Embodiment
  6. Effects of the Invention
  1. Technical field of the invention
    This column describes the technical field to which the invention pertains, using a paragraph, “The present invention relates to a semiconductor manufacturing device, and more specifically relates to …".
  2. Prior Art
    In this column, the prior art such as prior patents, magazines are listed, and their problems are simultaneously described. As I previously informed you in this blog, for example, the specification of Apple's digital camera patent (US Patent No. 8,934,045) describes GoPro HD Hero 2 (a digital camera) as the prior art, which affected Go Pro's stock price.
  3. Problem to be solved by the Invention
    The essence of this column is that “In order to solve the problem described in the column “Prior Art", the present invention was made".
  4. Means for solving the problem
    In this column, elements of the invention are described, and often languages of claims are repeated. Claims are, however, recited in abstract expressions, so they may be accompanied by their explanation in this column.
  5. Preferred Embodiment
    This column explains an invention most concretely in the specification. Procedures for carrying out an invention are described. Reading this column at first is recommendable to understand an invention.
    For example, a production process of a production method invention, and experimental results of a chemical substance invention are described (for example, “adding a substance of… grams, heating it, cooling it and leaving it at rest…)
    “Example 1", “Example 2" are also described.
    In Japanese specifications, vi) “Effect of the Invention" column is further provided to describe advantageous effects of the invention compared the prior art although the U.S. specification is concluded by “Preferred Embodiment."




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