弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
別の例です。顔の形状を表現する特徴量(フェイスライン角度以外)から体重を推定するシステムは、両者に相関関係があるという統計情報が明細書になく、この相関関係は技術常識でもないため、記載要件を満たしません。しかし、フェイスライン角度とBMI(Body Mass Index)の統計的に有意な相関関係が記載されていれば、記載要件を満たすとのことです。

The Japan Patent Office has published the Examination Guidelines Comic: “AI & IOT” Edition.
The Examination Guidelines have been written as a comic so that people who are not patent experts can also become familiar with them.
Even the mystifying world of patents is shifting toward visualization.
For example, from the matters in Chapter 5 of the Examination Guidelines, “Description Requirements,” the following examples are explained by turning them into a comic.
The comic provides an example of a sugar content estimation system that links a vegetable grower’s facial image with the sugar content of vegetables. It says that the system—in which a person’s facial image and a sugar content of vegetables are used as teacher data to enable AI to learn, and when a person’s facial image is input, the sugar content of the vegetables grown by that person is estimated—violates the description requirement in a case where the patent specification does not include data or other information that backs up a correlation between a person’s facial image and sugar content.
Another example is as follows. A system for estimating body weight based on facial feature values expressing face shape (other than facial angles) does not satisfy the description requirement as statistical information regarding a correlation between the two has not been described in the specification, and such a correlation is not common technical knowledge. On the other hand, the comic says that if a statistically significant correlation between facial angles and BMI (Body Mass Index) had been described, the above system would have satisfied the description requirement.
These matters are written as a comic, making it more interesting to read the often-avoided Examination Standards.
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- 国際特許出願マニュアル
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