弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
- 音楽教室は、先生が行う演奏について、著作物使用料を支払う必要がある
- 音楽教室は、生徒が行う演奏について、著作物使用料を支払う必要はない

In my last blog, I informed you that the Intellectual Property High Court handed down the following decision on the court case in which music schools requested confirmation from JASRAC (Japan Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers) that they would not be obligated to pay royalties for copyrighted works performed at music schools:
- Music schools need to pay royalties for performances by teachers of copyrighted works.
- Music schools do not need to pay royalties for performances by students of copyrighted works.
「音楽教室訴訟 最高裁判所に上告(受理申立てを)しました」
(音楽教室訴訟原告および弁護団 音楽教育を守る会、令和3年4月1日)

Music schools are dissatisfied with part of this decision and made an appeal to the Supreme Court on April 1. Naturally, the part that music schools are dissatisfied with is point 1).
“Music School Lawsuit A (petition for acceptance of) final appeal has been filed to the Supreme Court”
(Music School Lawsuit Plaintiffs and Defense Counsel, Association to Protect Music Education, April 1, 2021)

What I want to focus on in this press release is the section that states:
“It is unreasonable that students remain as an unspecified ‘public’ no matter how many years they attend lessons” (second from last line to last line on page one).

I completely agree with this opinion. I think that as long as a teacher and a particular student (or students) are in a room together having a one-on-one lesson, the student can no longer be considered as the general public. When music is being played at a concert or on a street corner, the audience is made up of unspecified, nameless persons, however the identity of the student(s) in the class is known, and music schools likely refuse students who are unfit for lessons.

I also do not agree with the distinction that fees should be paid for teacher performances but not for student performances because music lessons are conducted based on a close relationship between the student and teacher.
Second, it is also stated that if fees are to be paid for every performance by a teacher, there is “a risk of putting pressure on the management of music school businesses, especially private schools, and narrowing the range of music to be used” (page two, lines six to seven). If teachers are concerned about paying royalties while teaching, they will not be able to provide a good level of music education.
I will continue to pay attention to the outcome of the trial.
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