



弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子

パテントファミリーを調べるには、欧州特許庁(EPO)のEspacenetというサーチサイトで、Smart searchにてある出願公開番号をサーチ→ヒットした番号をクリック→INPADOC patent familyの順にクリックすると、パテントファミリー
dossierは関係書類という意味です。One Portal Dossier照会とは一つの入り口からの関係書類の照会という意味でしょうか。
ところでこのJ-PlatPatはアメリカ、欧州、カナダ、スイス、ドイツ、フランスなど主要国、中国、韓国の英文抄録、そしてWIPOの公報まで閲覧できる優れたサイトです。パテントファミリーの情報を得た後は、「外国公報DB」で公報を閲覧できます。Fターム、FIタームによる検索も可能です。J-PlatPatの 機能を今後、紹介していきます。


Searching for patent families—or in other words groups of foreign patents and foreign patent applications centered around a single patent—is very significant for translators who want to obtain translations. Knowing reasons for refusal and references cited for corresponding foreign patent applications is also significant for domestic patent practitioners.
Clicking on Smart search to search a certain publication number → clicking on the name of a hit result → clicking on INPADOC patent family in this order on “Espacenet", the search site of European Patent Office (EPO), will provide information about patent families.
I am not aware of other methods to obtain a patent family, but I do know that the “One Portal Dossier (OPD) Inquiry" of J-PlatPat provided by the JPO and the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT) also provides information about patent families and examination statuses of foreign applications.
Dossier means “a collection of relevant documents", so I wonder if One Portal Dossier Inquiry refers to an inquiry of relevant documents from one access point.
J-PlatPat is an excellent search site which provides official gazettes from main countries such as the US, Europe, Canada, Switzerland, Germany, and France. Additionally, J-PlatPat can be used to browse English abstracts of official gazettes published in China and Korea, as well as official gazettes provided by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
After obtaining information about a patent family, its official gazettes can be browsed through the “Foreign Official Gazette DB". Searches using F-terms and FI-terms are available.
I will introduce the functions of this search site soon.




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