ところでIoTとはInternet of Thingsの意味で、「モノのインターネット」です。プレイヤーやスマホ、携帯端末など通信機器、電子機器をパソコンに接続することは行われていますが、本当の「モノ」をインターネットに接続します。例えば家具、調理機器、家庭用機器、自動車などあらゆる「モノ」が考えられ、物のほか人間や動物までインターネットにより様々なデータが管理できるようになります。

We have another news on royalty-free disclosure of patents. Panasonic announced royalty-free disclosure of about 50 patents for “IoT” technology. Followed by Toyota’s royalty-free disclosure of patents, this gives an impression of a generous decision, which will be a general patent strategy of companies.
“Iot” refers to “Internet of Things”. Communication devices, electronic devices such as players, smart phones, mobile terminals are ordinarily connected to PCs while IoTs connect genuine “things” to the Internet. “Things” can be thought of as various kinds of things, for example, furniture, cooking appliances, home appliances, automobiles, and even animals and human beings, for which data may be managed by the Internet.
Instead of manually inputting the status of these things, connecting them to the Internet allows management of data.
“IoT” is a promising technology, therefore, disclosure of its patents will possibly permit other companies to enter the market, and Panasonic is expected to consequently take leadership, which may also be their plan. Such patents of royalty-free disclosure including Toyota’s patents for fuel cell vehicles are promising technology. For this reason, making the patents widely known and permitting other companies to follow the technology would consequently allow the company to take initiative, which is more advantageous than receiving royalties.
Additionally, technology for which patents are granted can guarantee its value, which provides advantages for people who use them.
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