My blog had not been placed on Interbooks Website for two weeks. I had been busy in a large number of translations, while April had come and various changes were made in the Japanese patent community.
Firstly, JPO website had changed and the IPDL on which patent searches had been conducted changed to Patent Information Platform (J-PlatPat), which search method is, however almost the same as that of IPDL, for example, change of names like “Beginners' Search" had changed to “Easy Search". My book titled “Technique for Patent Translation" (the second edition, Chuokeizai-sha Inc.) explains a new search method on J-Plat Pat.
Additionally, JPO started to accept trademarks applications for sound marks and color marks from April 1, 2015. This is a drastic change in the Japanese patent community. The media picked up and broadcasted this news. JPO belatedly acknowledged trademark applications for sound marks and color trademarks. Each company has its own company color. We are often reminded of “that color of that company".
According to a news release titled “Laying-Open Gazettes of New Types of Trademark Applications which was issued by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (http://www.meti.go.jp/press/2015/04/20150414001/20150414001.html), as many as 515 trademarks applications for new types of trademarks (sounds, colors, positions, motions, holograms) were filed between April 1 and April 10. As trademark applications are laid open immediately, they can be browsed through J-PlatPat of JPO website. According to the new release, for example, “blue" of rails for toy trains was filed by TAKARA TOMY (Trademark Application Laid-Open No. 2015-29940), and “red" on the back side of the heels filed by Christian Louboutin (Trademark Application Laid-Open No. 2015-29921).
These colors have been fully functioning as distinguishing the owner companies so far but if registered as trademarks, exclusive rights shall occur.
Companies' colors or sounds to be registered as trademarks will increasingly be an important part of company strategies.
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