



弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子

2ちゃんねるを開設した西村博之氏が「2ch」の商標を2014年3月に商標出願しており(第38類「電子掲示板による通信及びこれに関する情報の提供」等、42類, 商標出願2014-23406号)、特許庁の審査では拒絶されたが審判では覆り、つまり登録審決が出て商標登録できることになった、というニュースがあります。
2ちゃんねるは現在、Race Queen, Inc. という別の会社が「2ch.net」のドメイン名で運営しており、西村氏が「2ch」を商標出願した2014年3/27時点、そして審査時には、他人の周知な商標と同一、類似であった(役務も同一、類似)という理由です。

  • Race Queen, Inc.が2ちゃんねるの管理人となったのは、2014年2月頃 (ドメイン名は、2ch.net)
  • 西村氏が「2ch」を商標出願したのは、2014年3月27日
  • 西村氏が「2ちゃんねる」(ドメイン名は、2ch.sc)を運営開始したのは、2014年4月

たとえRace Queen が2014年2月に「2ch」の文字を使用開始しても、西村氏が「2ちゃんねる」(ドメイン名は、2ch.sc)を運営開始したのは2014年4月であり、西村氏の出願時に2ちゃんねるが周知であったといっても、それは非常に短い期間で使用していたRace Queenによる貢献ではなく、西村氏が1999年に2ちゃんねるを開設しことによる功績によるものである、だからほとんどは西村氏による使用として2chは周知であった、と審判で判断されました(審判2015-3736号)。


Mr. Hiroyuki Nishimura, who started the site “2 ちゃんねる (channel in hiragana)" filed a trademark application for the trademark “2ch" in March 2014 (the designated services “communication using an electronic bulletin board, and providing information related thereto," etc., in Classes 38 and 42, Japanese Trademark Application No. 2014-23406), which was rejected during the JPO examination, but the rejection was reversed by the JPO appeal board. Namely, a trial decision to register this trademark was rendered and this trademark will be able to be registered soon.
You may ask “why was the “2ch" trademark filed by Mr. Nishimura, who started 2ちゃんねる(channel in hiragana)" rejected during the JPO examination?"
A site “2 ちゃんねる" is being operated by another company, Race Queen, Inc., at present. The reason for the rejection is that on March 27, 2014 when Mr. Nishimura filed the application for the “2ch" trademark, and at the time of examination, this trademark was well-known as another person's identical or similar trademark. Namely, Article 4 (1) (x) of the Trademark Act, which provides that a trademark identical or similar to another person's well-known trademark at the time of filing and a decision to grant registration shall be rejected, was applied.

However, as shown in the following time sequence,

  • Race Queen started to operate the “2ちゃんねる" site around February 2014 (domain name is “2ch.net");
  • Mr. Nishimura filed “2ch" trademark in March 27, 2014;
  • Mr. Nishimura started the site “2ちゃんねる" (domain name is 2ch. sc) in April 2014

The JPO appeal board determined that:
even if Race Queen started to use the “2ch" letters in February 2014 and “2ちゃんねる" had been well-known at the time of Mr. Nishimura's filing an application for the trademark “2ch" on March 27, this well-known position had not been contributed by Race Queen, which had used the “2ch" letters for a very short period, but contributed by Mr. Nishimura who opened 2ちゃんねるin 1999, therefore, “2ch" had been well-known mostly as a result by Mr. Nishimura's use (trial case No. 2015-3736).
In this case, the JPO trial board did not apply Article 4(1)(x) formally and did not judge that this trademark is identical or similar to another person's well-known trademark, but showed clearly that it should be considered who contributed to make it well-known and whose trademark had been well-known.
Anyway, I wonder how the 2ちゃんねる site will be operated after Mr. Nishimura's registration of the “2ch" trademark?




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