弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子

Many articles that require translations are found in the Patent Law Treaty (PLT). Although some pessimists presume that the number of patent applications will decrease because the PLT's aim for patent application formality unification, however translators can actually expect the demand for translations to increase,
As I explained in this blog several times before, the PLT aims at unification and simplification of procedures for patent applications, for example, an application date should be found even if a specification is prepared in any language, and even if claims are not attached; and even if selecting an attorney shall not be obliged. Japan will join this treaty (instrument of accession was deposited in March 2016), and in anticipation of this, Japanese Patent Law was amended in 2015. Even if patent applications proceed toward simplification and unification, demands for patent translations will not decrease.
Rather, as applications can be filed in any language, more translations will be needed. Article 6(3) of the PLT provides that a contracting country can require a translation into any other language which the contracting country acknowledges, which means that translations into languages other than English will increase.
A contracting party may also require translations of priority documents (Article 6(5)). The declining needs for priority document translations will revive. Even if application formalities are unified, demands for translations will increase because languages cannot be unified. As long as countries have unique languages and cultures, demands for translations into many languages will increase. Unless translations are completely replaced by artificial intelligence, acceleration of applications into many countries will increase demands for translations into many languages.
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