第76回ジェプソンタイプのクレーム、wherein, characterized in that
弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
ところで、「〜であって」の訳語は米国特許のクレームではwherein, 欧州特許のクレームではcharacterized in thatであるといわれます。しかしこれもこのように明確に定まっているわけではなく、米国特許のクレームでもcharacterized in thatという表現を見かけます。「〜を特徴とする」の訳語としてはcharacterized in thatの方がcharacterizeという単語の意味から考えて適切です。whereinは「〜であって」の訳語であると思われます。「であって」は前回のブログでも述べたように、nearly equalを意味します。したがってwhereinはwhich isに置き換えられることばであり、「であって」の訳語です。
したがってあえて「特徴とする」を英訳に入れたいのであれば、whereinと共にcharacterized in thatを英訳に入れるべきと考えます。

A Jepson-type claim uses specific sentence structuring which consists of two distinct phrases: a preface where the Japanese word “deatte" is firstly used, followed by “tokuchoutosuru", which is a Japanese word used to denote the characteristics of a thing. For example: “A semiconductor device wherein (“deatte") …" It is frequently said that the preface has no novelty because it recites the prior art. I wonder if this is true?
The word “deatte" (wherein) is frequently used for describing an invention in brief at first so as to pause if the characteristics part is very long. Take for example the following: “A semiconductor device, wherein … “, notice here that the preface statement does not always recite the prior art.
If the preface statement recites characteristics of the invention at first, then the preface statement should not necessarily recite the prior art.
It is said that “deatte" is translated as “wherein" in U.S. patent claims, and “characterized in that" in European patent claims, which is not, however, clearly defined. Actually, the phrase “characterized in that" is found in U.S. patent claims. The word “tokuchoutosuru" in Japanese is suitably translated as “characterize in that" in light of the meaning of the word “characterize". The word “wherein" seems to be a translation of “deatte". The word “deatte" means “nearly equal" as was stated in the previous blog. The word “wherein" is replaced by “which is" and is a translation of “deatte".
Accordingly, if the word “tokuchoutosuru" is intentionally translated into English, “characterized in that" should be stated together with “wherein".
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