



弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子

触感の商標は日本ではまだ認められておらず、アメリカで商標登録されている有名なものにベルベット生地で表面を包んだワインボトルの触感商標があります(米国商標登録3155702号、商標権者:American Wholesale Wine & Spirits, Inc.)があります。


Greetings readers!
Today we will be talking about tactile trademarks. Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewing Co., Ltd. announced that it applied for a tactile trademark of a wooden barrel sake cup in the U.S. on its website:
Tactile trademarks cannot be registered in Japan yet, but a famous example of a tactile trademark would be the velvet texture wine bottle trademark. (U.S. trademark registration No. 3155702: trademark owner: American Wholesale Wine & Spirits, Inc.)
We often drink sake in a small wooden box (“masu” in Japanese), because drinking sake from a barrel would be difficult due to the barrel’s size. However, though the look, feel, and aroma of this cedar made cup a certain sense of drinking sake straight from the barrel comes to mind while drinking Kiku-Masamune sake from this 135 ml sized cup. One can really respect their insight for coming up with the idea to not only sell this item but to also apply for a tactile trademark for it in America.
Back when I was studying to be a patent attorney we were taught that trade marks are to be perceived visually, but as time went on audio trademarks were recognized in Japan and now scent trademarks and even tactile trademarks can be registered abroad. It is without a doubt that trademarks are distinctive marks that should be perceived trough all of the five senses.
The question you may be asking now is if tactile trademarks can only be used with things like bottles and cans or other things of that nature that can only be touched with one’s hands. The answer is no. You can apply tactile trademarks for things such as bank or restaurant services. For example, say their was a restaurant that had a special sort of coffee cup that had a peculiar tactile sense unique to that restaurant. That restaurant could register a trademark for it.
We can touch almost anything with out hands so tactile trademarks may very well be the way of the future, becoming the most desirable of all registered trademarks.




  • もう知らないではすまされない著作権
  • ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
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  • なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ
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