弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
TPP締結による著作権法改正により、「技術的利用制限手段」を解除することが著作権侵害となります。技術的利用制限手段はDRM(Digital Rights Management)などコンテンツに対するアクセス制限であり、コンテンツを暗号化して視聴制限する手段です。Windows Media DRM、Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management ESなどです。

Hello readers! It has been a while hasn't it? Today I would like to talk again about the amended copyright act.
According to the amended copyright act from the TPP agreement, any sort of getting around a “technological use restricting measure" would be an act of copyright violation. “Technological use restricting measures" are measures that limit the viewing of media content through encryptions, such as a DRM (Digital Rights Management) program. As such, programs like Windows Media DRM and Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management ES etc. are also counted as “technological use restricting measures".
In the pre-amended acts (aka the currently enforced laws) any sort of reproduction of media content, weather it be something that was viewed by accessing privately restricted media (technologically protected media) or not, is illegal. However there are no penalties for violations. (But there is a penalty for either selling or loaning out devices that get around technological use restricting measures, or selling or loaning out the reproduced materials themselves.)
In the pre-amended copyright acts (Which again is the currently enforced acts) all “technological protection measures" are regulated. These regulations apply not only to copy guards such as Macrovision etc., but includes any sort of access restricting agents. That is to say, under the currently enforced system access limiting agents are regulated, but under the amended system the act of going around restricted access agents is an act of copyright infringement. (Refer to article 113(3) of the new copyright act)
A “technological use restricting measure" (a media access limiting agent) is in part considered to be a “technological protection measure", and as such under the amended acts the process of releasing a means to get around a technological protection measure is defined as illegal conduct.
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