第116回著作権の基本 サザエさん事件
弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
バス会社のこの行為はサザエさんの漫画家の複製権を侵害すると裁判所で判断されました。裁判所では、このサザエさんらの頭部絵は「誰がこれを見てもそこに連載漫画「サザエさん」の登場人物であるサザエさん、カツオ、ワカメが 表現されていると感得されるようなものである」ことが認定されました。つまりバスの車体に描かれていた絵は、誰が見てもあのサザエさん、カツオ、ワカメだなとわかるというのです。これはある意味抽象化されているということであり、連載漫画であるサザエさんの○年○月○日の特定のコマにあるサザエさんと同じ絵であるかもしれないし、そのような対比をしなくても、あのサザエさんとわかるということです(昭和46(ワ)151号、東京地裁)。

Although I have repeatedly explained copyright in this blog, today I want to restart my explanation based on fundamental knowledge. As is understood from the English words “copy" and “right", copyrights are the rights for authors to copy their own literary works.
Copyrights consist of various rights, including the right to reproduce the copyrighted work, the right to display the copyrighted work publicly, the right to perform the copyrighted work publicly, etc., but the right to reproduce the copyrighted work is the main one. Anyone can understand that copying other person's copyrighted work infringes upon that copyright, and shall thus be prohibited.
The right to reproduce the copyrighted work shall be owned only by the copyright holder (normally the author). Copying other person's copyrighted work infringes upon their right to reproduce, which is well exemplified in the following classic court case on “Sazae-san".
A bus company having no relationship with the cartoonist and author of the comic “Sazae-san" had been operating sightseeing buses on which heads of three of the comic's characters, Sazae, Katsuo, and Wakame, were illustrated.
As for illustrations on the buses, see the Supreme Court of Japan's website via the following URL.
(The Supreme Court of Japan website, “Judgments of the Supreme Court" (showa 46(wa) No. 151)
The Tokyo District Court judged that such bus company's acts infringed upon the author's copyright, finding that such illustrations of the heads “could be perceived by anyone as expressing the characters Sazae, Katsuo, and Wakame of the comic strip ‘Sazae-san'". In other words, the illustrations on the body of the bus were recognizable to everyone as the famous characters Sazae, Katsuo, and Wakame. The illustrations were abstracted in a sense, and they may in fact have been same as those in a certain frame on a specifically dated cartoon, but such comparison wasn't necessary for the heads to be recognized as the famous “Sazae-san" characters (showa 46(wa) No. 151 decided by the Tokyo District Court).
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