弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
今日は幼児用椅子が著作物と認められた画期的な判決を紹介します。「TRIPP TRAP」事件です。
- 左右一対の部材Aの2本脚であること、
- 部材Aに形成された溝に部材G(座面)及び部材F(足置き台)がはめ込まれている点
- 部材Aは部材Bの前方の斜めに切断された端面と接合している点
- 部材Aは直接床面に接している点
- 部材Aは部材Bが約66度の角度を形成している点
Today, I will introduce an epoch-making court decision, called the "Tripp Trapp" case, in which an infant chair was approved as a copyrighted work.
The Intellectual Property High Court approved this chair (see the following photograph) as a copyrighted work in terms of:
- component A, comprising a symmetrical pair of legs;
- component G (a seat) and component F (a foot rest), which are fitted in the grooves formed on component A;
- component A, which is bonded only to an obliquely cut front end surface of component B;
- component A, which directly contacts the floor; and
- component A and component B, which together form an angle of about 66 degrees.
The Hakata Dolls which were approved as a copyrighted work (Showa 47(yo) No. 53 by Nagasaki District Court) are products whose beauty can be appreciated, despite being mass-produced. Meanwhile, this infant chair is genuinely a utility product, so it is epoch-making that this chair was approved as a copyrighted work.
This case was an infringement lawsuit; however, the chairs of the side alleging infringement had four legs and basically different configurations, and as a result the case was not determined to be copyright infringement (Heisei 26(ne) No. 10063 by Intellectual Property High Court).
Downloaded from "Supreme Court of Japan" website ("Judgements of the Supreme Court", Heisei 26 (ne) No. 10063 by Intellectual Property High Court)
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