



弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子



the intellectual property high court found that the patent for the invention titled “a system for providing steaks” under the shop name “ikinari steak” (no. 5946491 owned by pepper food service co., ltd.) qualifies as an invention. you might recall that this had been already patented under a patent number.
that’s right. this patent was issued in june 2016. however, a third party (an individual person) filed an opposition and the jpo acknowledged this opposition by judging that a system for cutting and providing meat in the desired quantity to customers “merely specifies a social mechanism (a social system)” that is “intended for economic activities” and does not qualify as an invention.
the patent right holder, pepper food service co., ltd., was dissatisfied with this decision and filed a lawsuit against the intellectual property high court insisting that it be rescinded (heisei 29 (gyo-ke) no. 10232). events followed such that the intellectual property high court acquiesced, rescinding the decision and citing that this steak provision method is an invention.
the patent claims were partially corrected after the opposition was filed. this correction was a decisive factor in the court’s decision that this system is “an invention”.
the correction added the following two requirements in claim 1: “the scale generates a sticker describing the quantity of meat weighed by the scale and a table number described on the label”; and “the mark is a sticker generated by the scale describing the quantity of meat and the table number”. the court judged that this sticker associates the quantity of meat the customer ordered with the customer’s table number in order to solve the problem that a certain customer’s meat should be distinguished from other customers’ meat—which is a technical idea. this means that a scale not only weighing meat but also associating the quantity of the meat with the customer’s table number is a technical idea.
in this decision, the court did not determine if this scale or sticker is novel or has an inventive step but decided that this system is an invention (a technical idea utilizing a natural rule). even if, per se, a sticker had already been present, using it for a certain purpose is a technical idea. my next blog will be a local report from the ata (american translators association) annual conference “ata59” in new orleans. i hope you enjoy it!
http://www.atanet.org/conf/2018/ patent no. 5,946,491 fig. 3
downloaded from j-platpat(jpo, national center for industrial property information and training (inpit))
https://www.j-platpat.inpit.go.jp/web/all/top/btmtoppagethe intellectual property high court found that the patent for the invention titled “a system for providing steaks” under the shop name “ikinari steak” (no. 5946491 owned by pepper food service co., ltd.) qualifies as an invention. you might recall that this had been already patented under a patent number.
that’s right. this patent was issued in june 2016. however, a third party (an individual person) filed an opposition and the jpo acknowledged this opposition by judging that a system for cutting and providing meat in the desired quantity to customers “merely specifies a social mechanism (a social system)” that is “intended for economic activities” and does not qualify as an invention.
the patent right holder, pepper food service co., ltd., was dissatisfied with this decision and filed a lawsuit against the intellectual property high court insisting that it be rescinded (heisei 29 (gyo-ke) no. 10232). events followed such that the intellectual property high court acquiesced, rescinding the decision and citing that this steak provision method is an invention.
the patent claims were partially corrected after the opposition was filed. this correction was a decisive factor in the court’s decision that this system is “an invention”.
the correction added the following two requirements in claim 1: “the scale generates a sticker describing the quantity of meat weighed by the scale and a table number described on the label”; and “the mark is a sticker generated by the scale describing the quantity of meat and the table number”. the court judged that this sticker associates the quantity of meat the customer ordered with the customer’s table number in order to solve the problem that a certain customer’s meat should be distinguished from other customers’ meat—which is a technical idea. this means that a scale not only weighing meat but also associating the quantity of the meat with the customer’s table number is a technical idea.
in this decision, the court did not determine if this scale or sticker is novel or has an inventive step but decided that this system is an invention (a technical idea utilizing a natural rule). even if, per se, a sticker had already been present, using it for a certain purpose is a technical idea. my next blog will be a local report from the ata (american translators association) annual conference “ata59” in new orleans. i hope you enjoy it!
http://www.atanet.org/conf/2018/ patent no. 5,946,491 fig. 3
downloaded from j-platpat(jpo, national center for industrial property information and training (inpit))




  • もう知らないではすまされない著作権
  • ゼロからできるアメリカ特許取得の実務と英語
  • 特許翻訳のテクニック
  • なるほど図解著作権法のしくみ
  • 国際特許出願マニュアル
  • なるほど図解商標法のしくみ
  • なるほど図解特許法のしくみ
  • こんなにおもしろい弁理士の仕事
  • だれでも弁理士になれる本
  • 改正・米国特許法のポイント