

My Unforked Path with Faith, Flowers, and the Moon

My Unforked Path with Faith, Flowers, and the Moon
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To our readers

Poet Shinmin Sakamura fashioned his life after the concept of“ honest poverty” espoused by the famed Christian saints Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa. Throughout his work flows both a disciplined sense of serenity and a love for all living things that was born out of his monk-like dedication to his own exacting precepts.
People in the modern day must deal with a variety of pain, suffering and grief, and many have forgotten how important it is to love. The poems of Shinmin Sakamura help remind people of how it feels to have peace of mind, hope for tomorrow, and a heart that is capable of love.
Shinmin composed a great number of poems on the importance of faith. He began practicing Zen Buddhism at a young age, and while much of his poetic work touches upon the teachings of Buddha, he also held a deep respect for Francis of Assisi and Mother Teresa.
For Shinmin, religion was less about religion itself – whether it was Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, or any other. What he beli eved to be most important was to have faith in the great figures upon which those religions are based. This concept of giving thanks to and having faith in these great beings who created all living creatures flowed through Shinmin’s words and formed the heart of his poetry.
We hope you enjoy this poetry collection, and we hope that it leaves your own hearts a little warmer.

Koichi Nishizawa,
Director of the Shinmin Sakamura Memorial Museum
Mamiko Nishizawa, third daughter of Shinmin Sakamura


