弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
- 専門性が高い
- 外国出願が増えている
- 特許英語のルールが明確に定まっている
- 特許翻訳者が不足している

A magazine called Complete Guidebook for Patent Translation (IKAROS Publications) has just been published.
The demand for patent translation has been on the rise recently, and some of my colleagues have reported an increase in the number of jobs they have been undertaking since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I have considered the reasons for this increase in translation work as follows:
- High level of expertise
- Foreign applications are increasing
- The rules of patent English are clearly defined
- There is a shortage of patent translators.
According to this magazine, in a survey sent to translation companies on the balance of supply and demand of translators, only one company out of 21 respondents agreed that there was a “sufficient supply” of translators, while 11 companies responded that there was an “overall shortage” or a “shortage of English translators.”
In particular, translators are needed in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and chemistry, and these fields require a high level of expertise from patent translators.
The average translation rate is 11.1 yen for Japanese to English translations, and 10.2 yen for Japanese to English translations. How one evaluates these rates depends on the person, however it is expected that for most people, these are rates at which they would not hesitate to accept a translation job.
Since patent translation is the translation of important documents defining rights, they require a final check carried out by a human, and it seems that the demand for patent translation is likely to increase.
Also, intellectual creations such as intellectual property do not require physical storage locations or to be transported using a means of transportation such as airplanes, therefore they are not affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Patent translation will become a major industry in the future.
On the other hand, as companies are beginning to allow their employees to have second jobs, people are entering the field of translation, and it is feared that competition among translators will become fierce.
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