弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
whereinとin whichの違い
wherein: 関係副詞
in which: 前置詞+関係代名詞
“a system in which many parts are functioning”内部で多くの部分が機能しているシステム
“a hole in which many rings are embedded”内部に多くのリングが埋め込まれている穴
つまり、”in which”は、「~というようなシステム」「~というような穴」という名詞で終わるような文章に使います。”in which”は、関係副詞whereで置き換えることができます。
「wherein a cushioning material is attached to the hood」は、緩衝材がフードに取り付けられているという文章であり、緩衝材が取り付けられているフードという文章ではないため、in whichは使えません。
A hood in which a cushioning material is put
のようなときにin whichを使います。つまり関係代名詞の先行詞(この場合は、hood)がある場合は、in whichを使うことができます。

When translating patents, the word “wherein” is used, which is an unfamiliar word and may not be taught at schools.
However, this word is used in patent claims as a matter of course, but it is not used in specifications very often, from which I regarded the word “wherein” as uniquely used in patent claims, but found it in a general article in English the other day.
The difference between “wherein” and “in which”
wherein: relative adverb
in which: preposition + relative pronoun
Example sentences:
A system in which many parts are functioning.
A hole in which many rings are embedded.
Namely, “in which” is used in a sentence concluded with a noun, such as “a system in which...” or “a hole in which...” The phrase “in which” can be replaced with the relative adverb “where.”
The phrase “in which” cannot be used in the sentence, “...wherein a cushioning material is attached to the hood,...” because it means that a cushioning material is attached to a hood, but it does not mean a hood to which a cushioning material is attached.
The phrase “in which” is used in the case of “...a hood in which a cushioning material is put.” Namely, “in which” can be used in a sentence in which a pronoun of a relative pronoun (“a hood” in this case) is present.
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