弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
- 試作品をその場で見て説明を聞くことが多いこと。その他広げる資料が多いこと。
- 発明者の話を直接聞く方が臨場感があって発明の内容を理解しやすいこと。
- 依頼者と弁理士の人間関係構築が必要であり、それには直接会う必要があること。

These days, video conferences are increasing more and more, and I heard that some people are attending as many as five or more meetings a day using the Zoom video conferencing app.
Up until recently, our office usually held face-to-face meetings with our customers, and could not easily shift to online meetings.
Reasons as to why patent practitioners cannot complete projects via online conferencing only are considered as follows:
- It is common for us to be shown prototypes while listening to our customer’s explanations there and then. There are many other materials that fold out to a large size.
- We can feel more of a sense of presence when listening to inventors directly, and can understand the details of their inventions more easily.
- Building personal relationships between customers and patent attorneys is necessary, and this requires meeting face-to-face.
It is especially difficult for us start video conferencing with new customers as a relationship with them has not yet been built.
However, from now on we will have no choice but to introduce video conferencing.
In contrast, patent translators often undertake translation projects without meeting clients, and since these projects can be carried out online from start to finish, they can continue to translate as usual even under circumstances such as at present, where company activities are proceeding at a slower pace.
Colleagues say that the number of orders for projects remains the same, although it takes some time to receive the final go ahead to start work. This is the same for translation projects.
Work in which information is distributed, such as with patents and translations, are little affected by the current situation where people are not gathering at physical locations.
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