弁理士、株式会社インターブックス顧問 奥田百子
「LAGER」のことばはCambridge Dictionaryによると、
“a type of beer that is pale in colour and usually contains a lot of bubbles”

There has been a lot of talk recently about a beer jointly developed by Sapporo Breweries and FamilyMart called Kaitakushi Beer Tailored, which has LAGAR written on the can, a misspelling of the word ‘lager.’ At first it was decided that the release of this beer would be halted because of the spelling mistake, however due to demand from many consumers, the beer will be released as is.
Since I am introducing this matter on this blog, you might think that it is related to trademarks, however the LAGAR beer does not cause any problems with trademarks.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word ‘lager’ means:
“a type of beer that is pale in colour and usually contains a lot of bubbles.”
In other words, a lager is a type of beer.
Therefore, if the word ‘lager’ is used for beer, then it has no distinctiveness as a trademark, and cannot be registered as a trademark for beer unless it is combined with a drawing or another word that has distinctiveness. In addition, if you apply for a trademark that includes the word ‘lager’ for a beer that is not a lager beer, your application may be refused on the grounds of misleading customers regarding quality.
On the other hand, ‘lagar’ is a word with no particular meaning, and a search on J-PlatPat (JPO, INPIT) revealed that there were no similar trademarks for “LAGAR” or “RAGAR” among the group of trademarks related to beer.
The story of a product that was originally meant to be discontinued because of a misspelling of lager as ‘lagar,’ with the decision then being overturned, may attract people’s attention, therefore this product may sell really well.
Trademarks have an advertising function to impress people with a product, and in this case, the trademark performs an advertising function wherein the word ‘lager’ is spelled differently from the proper name, which leaves a lasting impression.
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